Team Dizzle!

The life of a generation x-er in Perth

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Thursday Night Madness

Hello! Well another new week is upon us once again and today’s topic is about dancing and being single! Yes the title isn’t Singledom for no reason.

Anyways back to the story, a while back a friend of mine suggested that we should try Salsa dancing some time, as it was a new way of meeting people and its actually fun.
So on Thursday night after 12 hrs of sheer fun at work I travelled to The Deen, I got there early and registered awaiting Paul to turn up so I would have someone to talk to.

Anyway the class started and Paul was fashionably late but wasn’t aloud to join in (being 15 mins late), but nonetheless I soldiered on being joined by many women and a few guys. And I must say Salsa is a lot harder than I anticipated, the beginners level is all about learning the steps so your not dancing with a partner at this stage (thank god cos I no doubt would have stepped on some toes).

After an hour of the basics then we moved on to the fun stuff, dancing with partners! It kinda reminded me of being back in primary school in a way except it was a lot more fun! I meet many different women although your changing partners all the time while dancing so there wasn’t any time for conversation plus I was concentrating more on the dancing than anything else.

It was quite challenging to get all the moves correct without looking like a complete stooge (although I probably did), but the FUN part was yet to come. After this level you have to pass a test to go on to the next level (something which I didn’t know about). Anyways I moved on up stairs to get my card signed only to be greeted with, "you have to pass a test first". Now I have sparred with black belts before but damn this was challenging cos I needed a partner and some caffeine!

But I was in luck as a chic from the class I was in was trying to practise the moves by herself so I did what any normal guy would do and asked "so do you come here often?" JUST KIDDING, I asked if she wanted to practise and we were set!
Now have you ever tried to concentrate so hard on something when your completely tired? Well this was me by this point, tired, hungry and craving some sleep! But thanks to the lovely Liz (and some help from the instructor) we managed to pass! Thank god.

Well there really isn’t any moral to this story except that if you single and finding it hard to meet people, then you have to get out and about! Go past your comfort barrier and do something different cos the person of your dreams isn’t just going to rock up at your house (although it would be awesome, that’s a hint to Jessica Alba).

I will no doubt be there next week as it definitely rated high on the fun meter, and if you don’t meet anyone then hey, at least you get to learn how to dance…


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