Team Dizzle!

The life of a generation x-er in Perth

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Enigmah Posted by Picasa

Weekend In Review

Well I must say the weekend was rather different, Saturday night started at Donna and Darryl’s place and after a few drinks it was off to the Deen.

Now I love the Deen but the music that was being played completely sucked big time. To say that I had the urge to hijack the DJ’s box was a bit of an understatement, cos I’m sure that I could have done a way better job by spinning some old school beats.

Sunday night.
I have now been cultured! Yes I went to the Russian Ballet’s performance of Romeo and Juliet and I have to say that I was rather impressed.

Being the "male escort" for Geri and Marini was a hard job (slight understatement) but somebody had to do it. And yes as I mentioned in my previous entry there was a nude scene! And once again I was impressed, but what guy wouldn’t be with an attractive semi naked women dancing before ones eyes, who said ballet was boring!

It was definitely an experience that’s for and I do have to mention Geraldine’s fantastic effort in parking as well, I’m sure that Stevie Wonder could have done a better job… :P

So another weekend has passed us by and its back to the grind for most people, except for me of course, back to work Wednesday (hold me back please).
But at least tonight The Chappelle Show is back on (yay) and I have to make a start on my passport application so later.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Saturday Ramblings!

Before I go any further I have to say "Happy Birthday" to my Brother "Paul" who is 36 today and who doesn’t look a day over 40!
Yeah that’s pay back for all the torment over the years, by the way Paul, I still haven’t forgotten the fatogram that you got me for my 21st!

Paybacks a bitch! :p muhahaha (that’s an evil laugh by the way)
And back to it! The past week since I got back from Merredin has been pretty busy. On Monday I booked and paid for the trip to Bali and we are off on the 29th October to the 6th November. I must say that I can’t wait to get over there and run amuck but in a mature adult way of course, although when alcohol is involved I’m not gonna make any promises…

Well I found it really hard to get back into the groove at work after being away, it could have been the weather (which was extremely shite). But thankfully the 4 days went really quick, although yesterday did drag a bit, but that was probably due the fact that I only had 4-hrs sleep. Yes it was Salsa night on Thursday and it was very average! The class got split into two (as there was to many people) and our group copped the short end of the stick by getting the worse instructor.

I have had her before and frankly she sucks, apart from being premenstrual all the time, she just can’t convey instructions properly. The entire class had the look of "what the?" when we had to learn 3 moves very quickly. It was sort of like watching a movie in fast forward mode, not good at all.

After the lesson (or lack of) both Paul (my friend) and I agreed that it felt like we had taken a step back in the learning process, so I spent the next hour practising with Liz to make up for the previous hour. Hopefully next week will be an improvement!

Well tomorrow I will be experiencing the wonders of Ballet for the first time! Yes I am trying to become more cultured and the fact that there is a nude scene had nothing to do with my decision to go ALTHOUGH the same can’t be said for certain other people that I am going with. Yes that is you Geraldine or should I say B...! :p

So I await with great wonders what the weekend shall hold, I do have another birthday party to go to tonight (Happy Birthday Donna!) and hopefully will end up at the Deen for some RnB madness.

Saturday, August 13, 2005



Well another week has past us by and it was rather busy, on Monday I drove to Merredin for 5 days for work. It was a lot quieter than I expected but it was good to be able to chill out and take it easy (and get paid to do it).

The drive there was pretty sh#tty, I left home at 5am and had to endure fog most the way there, only being able to see 20 meters in front of you is pretty damn daunting so it took a lot longer than expected to get there. But the guys at the Branch were awesome and really helpful, Will, Chris and Paul were the three stooges that made it fun to be there and I have to thank them for this.

So besides the lack of work, I did manage to break the bosses record in Yahtzee! 208, beat that Ray and surf the net and send heaps of e-mails, yeah it’s a hard job.

The best part was having the Managing Director of the Company "drop in" after having a really large "shin dig" in Kalgoorlie. Luckily we had a bit of warning and managed to clean the place up beforehand. I think that he must have heard I was there and had to come in and say Hello or more than likely check to see that I wasn’t up to no good! : p

While in Merredin, I stayed at the Merredin Motel and have to thank Shelley for her awesome hospitality and great cooking. Its gonna be hard not having bacon and eggs for breakfast now that I’m back home.

Well now that I’m back its pretty much back to normal for me, will be going to Salsa Sunday night (as I missed out on Thursday) so cant wait to get back into the groove. And also Paul and myself have graduated to level 2A, so we are moving on up!

Still have a long way to go but with heaps of practise and our natural talent (lol) I’m sure that we will be wowing everyone soon! (I’m optimistic by nature). Like most things having a good dance partner really helps to, but I have been practising with Liz and she has really helped me a lot, so a BIG thanks to Liz!
