Team Dizzle!

The life of a generation x-er in Perth

Friday, September 22, 2006

October fun

Thank god its Friday! Well to bad I still have to come in tomorrow… there is no justice :)

Anyways its been another busy period with work being mad and everything out of work being sheer madness! One thing that I have noticed is that even though I have 4 days off it just goes so damn quickly. Mental note - buy house ALREADY renovated.

Work is starting to get really sh#tty, we have so many people leaving its like we have a farewell party every weekend. The problem is that all the good people are leaving and we get stuck with all the dumb asses who have no idea and that no one else wants to employ.

At the moment I’m thinking about searching after next May when my long service leave is due, so till then I just have to be patient (that’s a full time job in itself).
Ray has mentioned that he will probably leave after March and once that happens I don’t really want to be around.

Luckily I now several people who work for employment agencies so that’s a bonus. But winning lotto would be rather nice :)

Having a look at my October schedule and its gonna be a busy month, my brothers wife is expecting mid October, Andy is playing at the Rise in battle of the DJ’s, a couple of salsa parties to go to and my Aunty is introducing me to some of her friends twin daughters from Ireland so hoping it’s a lucky month :p


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