Team Dizzle!

The life of a generation x-er in Perth

Friday, September 23, 2005

Go Eagles!!!

Well my fav footy team has made the Grand Final and i do have to say a BIG goodluck to the West Coast Eagles for tomorrow's AFL Grand Final. Hopefully we will be victorious as its been a long time since we last won the Grand Final (1994). Kick some Sydney Swans arse!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Nelson catching some rays last summer, its a hard life being a dog! Posted by Picasa

The Ghost

Welcome to another instalment of Singledom!

Well this weekend the entire family decided to stay the weekend, as families do! And got talking about ghosts, now some time ago I wrote a blog about the experience that we had at out house many years ago, when my brother and sister were still home. Anyways some more stories about “our ghost” have emerged. I must have either been really lucky or unlucky (which way you want to view it) as I haven’t really have had any encounters since that one experience. The rest of the family is a different story!

Mum - saw something wearing something blue, which disappeared into the laundry when she was home alone. Wonder if this ghost does any washing? Would be really handy.

Dad - has heard foot steps in the passage way (most of the house has wooden floor boards)

Sharyn - probably had the scariest encounter, she was washing the dishes when she felt like something was behind her, then she felt like it was completely around her! Her response was to say “you wanna do the dishes?” then it disappeared. Obviously likes doing house chores as much as me.

Paul – was in bed one night and heard foot steps in the passage way, he quickly got up and found nothing.

Yours truly – well thinking about it, the only really wired things that I can think of is having things disappear and then reappear later on. Either its old age setting in or I have an over active imagination, last week for example I’m 100% sure I left some paperwork on the top of my TV in my room, so I got to try and find it later and it isn’t there. I searched the entire house and found nothing. It then turns up in the kitchen later that day.

They say that animals can sense things and our golden retriever must do! Nelson gets “spooked” all the time mainly in the kitchen and passage way. He will freeze up and not move a bit, and then whine at you.

Many years ago we had a cat called “Friday” who we all loved and there were times when you would be home alone watching TV and she would be next to you and all of a sudden she would be staring at something in the kitchen like someone was there, you would reluctantly turn your head and see nothing.

Apparently no one has died in the house (according to our neighbour) but obviously a previous tenant has decided to come back reside with us. Anyways I’m outta here but if you have a story you would like to share then send it through and I will post it. :p

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Baby Girl!

Big Congrats to my cousin Sarel and his wife Taryn on the birth of "Imogen Shae", I havent been given much info as yet but apparently all are well. I will be looking forward to getting down to Mandurah in a couple of weeks time and visiting the latest addition to the family.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

August Stooge of the Month!

Well we are back once again for another “Stooge of The Month” award.

At one stage this month I was struggling to find any candidates for the award but one person didn’t let down. This months award goes to (drum roll please) Stuart Brodie! Congrats Stuart on your fine effort. For those who aren’t aware of Stuart’s effort, he decided to go “walkabout” for 40 days, unfortunately he sort of forgot to mention this to his wife and 5 kids! So after many weeks of searching by the authorities (including my brother) and heaps of media publicity, Stuart turns up in Bunbury alive and well and supposedly unaware of the entire situation. Sheer Stooge!


Another month has sailed past and the past week has been one of mixed emotions. Sunday I decided to go to an extra salsa class (level 2A is a lot harder than I anticipated) so the only way to get better is to practise LOTS! The class went really well and I was really looking to the next 3 days of my break with the idea of going hard at the gym as well (gotta get in shape for the Bali odyssey).

Monday started out as another typical day but that was about to change when I received an extremely saddening phone call that a family member had passed away early that morning. Sinead had been battling cancer for awhile and to say that the whole family was shocked at her passing was an understatement. She was an extremely loving person and the world is a lesser place without her. My deepest condolences go to her husband Robert, her daughter Anne-Marie and sister’s Aunty Marion and Una.

After hearing this I just had to get out of the house and went to the gym, I decided that I would go really hard (5 days later and Im still suffering). But as they say “no pain, no gain”.
Tuesday was “do a sh*tload of ironing day” well it felt like that, did a bit of pre-spring cleaning in my bedroom and generally tried to keep busy, also the settlement from the sale of my block is nearly done (yay) so will be looking forward to seeing the old bank balance after that is done. But as usual the government will be taxing me on the profits. Bastards :P

Wednesday, back to the gym! This was legs, biceps day and afterwards some swimming. After 3 laps of the pool I was completely stuffed, to bad I got kicked out of the pool because of the 1pm water aerobics class, which was probably a blessing in disguise. I actually slept really well that night strangely enough.

Thursday and back to work. But also salsa night at the Deen, the class was huge and pretty much took up the entire dance floor, luckily the guy/girl ratio was spot on (for a change). Natarlia convinced me that I should get tested to go to level 2B, I was a bit apprehensive at first but thought “what the heck” and threw myself into it with reckless abandon and it worked! So now the fun part of once again learning more moves, apparently there is something like 76 moves that we have to master, gee only 60+ moves to go!

So its pretty much busy as usual today even though it’s a Saturday and I’m stuck at work :p

Before I go a BIG “Happy Fathers Day” to my Dad and all the Dad’s out there.