Man what a break I had! For the first time ever I managed to get heaps done (with the help of friends and Dad). Saturday was the day, D-Train (Dwayne) rocked up at 7am which was a bit too early for me as I was still in bed. So after an ice coffee it was straight down to Bunnings to get the antenna and some double power points.
Dwayne got straight into when we got back, while I started hacking the crap out of one of the trees in the backyard. It didn’t take to long after it was all completed, which was a good thing because as Dwayne finished Clae rocked up with the chainsaw. Unfortunately I didn’t get to have a go as the blade kept clogging up when we started on the rubber tree stump so it was back Old school style! (An axe that is).
We had out first casualty for the day when Clae broke my new shovel so it was another trip to Bunnings, plus I also got a bigger ladder. Some advice for people who are thinking about planting a rubber tree, DON’T! They are a complete nuisance and the root system destroys everything on its path. Dad then rocked up and started on the shower taps, we got rid of the constant annoying drip (thank god), so the place is slowly getting there! Saturday night I was dead tired so stayed home and watched TV.
Today at work was well different! With the extensive amount of rain that we had this morning, the workshop turned in a series of water falls, the roof couldn’t cope and sprung several leaks, and they were bloody big ones as well. And then this afternoon one on the forklifts burst into flames while someone was on it! Thankfully there were no injuries but I’m wondering what will happen next? I’m thinking the plumbing will stuff up and we won’t have water?!?! As long as it happens here and not at home, that’s all I care about….
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