Happy New Year!
Well Happy New Year to everyone!
Its been a fair while since I last wrote mainly due to having a girlfriend and being really busy with work! But sometimes life likes to make things really interesting for you when you least expect and as of 11am (or so) yesterday I am now single again. Well it was fun while it lasted and the past 7 weeks sure went really quick.
SO my grand plans to spend a romantic new years with my now ex g/f didnt eventuate so i ended up hanging with Clae and Brooke and a pretty lame toga party but it sure beat being home alone!
Apparently I was the only one to have a relationship end with one of my best friends (Pete) telling me that his relationship with his g/f of 4 yrs had ended as well so at lease I wasnt alone there. I just wish that this year had of started on a more positive note but I just have to get my head back in the game and find the right chic this time! :)