Team Dizzle!

The life of a generation x-er in Perth

Sunday, July 31, 2005

July Ramblings

Things to have been achieved this month and somethings that havent!

- I finally completed my Buffy DVD collection! Much to the dismay of my friends who cannot understand why I like it.
- My block of land is FINALLY under offer (gee it only took 3 months); hopefully settlement will be in 6-8 weeks.
- Moved up to level 2A in salsa dancing, not quite up to Dancing with the Stars material just yet.
- After much thought I have concluded that The Stooge of The Month Award for July is a tie between Shane Warne and Jude Law, for their sexual misconduct.
Shane and Jude, being rich and famous still doesn’t give you the right to cheat on your partners!

Coming in behind them was the London Police for their “Shoot first, ask questions later” policy, now this sounds like something the Springfield
Police would do! (yes I’m talking about the Simpson’s) I just hope that no other innocent people are the victims of this ridiculous policy


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